Wednesday, March 2, 2011

critical review questions from jenny

Critical Review Presentation

1.      I want it to be seen in possibly film festivals. If that works out, schools would be a cool place to have it seen. After entering in maybe 2 festivals, my film will go on and MAYBE youtube.
2.      It is not much of an inspiration, but I want to make this film just to stress how important it is to do something you really love. I was about to apply for business at SFU before applying for Emily Carr only because my grades were good enough and business just seems more acceptable as a career in society, especially in Asian countries. A lot of Asian parents want their children to become a doctor, dentist, lawyer, and etc, some of the kids end up doing something they do not even like. I want to make this film to remind myself of how I almost chose the wrong career path and how it would affect my life.
That and how open and different my parents are when I told them I want to pursue art. They let me do what I want and did not try to force me to do something I did not like. The people around me also kind of inspired me in the sense that some of my friends would tell me about how manipulative their parents are.
3.      Um.. refer to number 2.. LMAO
4.      I just simplified my characters to make it easier to animate and less serious to watch. I also used different colours for different areas to illustrate the atmosphere. For example, the work place has duller colours, have a more boring a cold design, and the animation lines are more neat. For the alleyway, the colours are brighter and more fun to look at, and the animation lines are slightly messier to make it look more lively and free.
5.      Kid has a passion for arts-> Grew up to a business man even though he did not like what he is doing → bumps into a graffiti artist → Saw what the graffiti artist drew and is reminded of his childhood dream → gets distracted at his job by daydreaming and doodling → the graffiti gets wiped off → Business man starts drawing again and reliving his childhood
6.      (I don't think I can answer this one XD””)
7.      (same with this)
8.      (.. and this)
9.      I don't know if it counts, but I included my influences in my why paper =)~

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